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Wanted: For Aggravated Robbery

  If there was a dog-equivalent of those most-wanted posters you see at the Post Office, Otto’s face would be instantly recognizable. Otto is a three year old Labrador Shepherd mix who steals. Otto is...

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Independence Day

Toy Fox Terrier Dupree has a high-pitched, fervent and piteous whine that his owners are really, really tired of. It happens whenever one of them leaves Dupree’s sight, like when, say, a visit to the...

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Don’t Forget Your Lunch

Black Lab Petey had a great summer. All three kids were home, running inside and out, playing in the backyard, jumping in the pool, dropping the occasional potato chip on the ground. No worries....

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Music to My Ears

Cyrus is a seven year old Chihuahua that has an unusual and disturbing talent. He hears things. In the distance, a siren wails. Cyrus nearly trips himself as he hurtles the perimeter the room, yipping...

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Country Dog/City Dog

After their youngest child went off to college, Kenny’s owners decided to downsize. They sold their big farmhouse with its 25 acres, bought a two bedroom condominium in a nearby city, and breathed a...

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Take this dog and…

I remember thinking when my kids were little how life was full of incredible joy and equally incredible frustration.  My clients’ dogs have a similar effect on their owners. There are some dogs that...

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What to do with your bored dog

After dinner, many people spend the evening at home relaxing. We humans have lots of home entertainment options: television, hobbies, reading, exercising, cooking, smart phones.  Dogs have toys and...

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Crossword puzzles, binge TV and online shopping

Let’s face it: your dog can’t do any of those pastimes. Nor can he take himself for a walk, go to the gym, or call a friend for a chat. Think of all the activities you do to keep yourself entertained....

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The witching hour

Ask any parent what time of day is the most stressful, anxiety-producing, and frenetic and hands down, Moms and Dads will say dinner time. Let’s face it – everyone has been at either daycare, work or...

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“I’m bored” said your kids (and your dog)

Its a pandemic puzzle (or maybe a Corona conundrum?). We humans, at home for the foreseeable future, have lots of entertainment options: Netflix, gaming, hobbies, reading, jigsaw puzzles, exercise,...

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